Why Career Mentors Matter
Why Career Mentors Matter Newly-released graduate from Eastern Michigan University to the workforce, I consider myself a professional sponge. To this day, I take on new projects to help promote success within a company, learn new software programs, and acquire new skills that I will utilize for future careers. Yet, there is so much more I can gain within the work environment. During my time within the Digital Summer Clinic Internship, we are gifted with FIVE mentors from all different fields -to provide a wealth of knowledge and experience, advise us through challenges, and presents ideas as we all navigate our own career journey. These mentors help accelerate our self-development, career progression, and overall self-confidence in our work. This is why many people think greatly to search for one, yet, only 37% of professionals have one. Benefits Career Mentors Provide Having a solid foundation of a career me...